Hi! I'm Robin.

Engineering manager, software engineer and coach.
Writing about self-management, leadership and web engineering.

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Robin Weser

About Me

I believe that every human being is capable of changing the world.
My mission is to help people unlock their true potential, become more productive, achieve their goals and ultimately live a happier life.

I have a background in computer science, but always struggled to define myself solely based on my role. I've always been interested in a wide variety of topics and my skills are primarily tools to achieve my broader mission.

As a freelancer, I had the pleasure to work with many different companies and clients including N26 (new tab), Carla (new tab) and Volvo Cars (new tab).
Currently, I work as an engineering leader and host all-inclusive think weeks (new tab).
I also create and contribute to open source software (new tab) with more than 30 million downloads every month.

In my leisure time, I study philosophy, learn French and write fantasy novels (new tab).
I am a leader of our scout organisation (new tab) and volunteer as a chairman for Watoto Kabisa (new tab), a non-profit organisation supporting growth projects in Kenia.

Open CV


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